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“My objective is to become a leading and inspirational figure in the contemporary art world in Ireland and abroad."


Rosie is interested in drawing and printing, she is currently working on blurring the lines between the two.  Always aware of the historical context of both traditions she aims to redefine the context in which print is used in the Fine Art sector.  She is currently working on a range of 'single print' plates which, as the name suggests can only be printed once as the application of ink irreversibly changes the nature of the plate.  Through this process the function of the plate changes, once the plate has been inked, printed and 'cleaned' it's integrity as a reusable plate is compromised.  The printing process itself negates its own purpose and instead becomes part of a diptych drawing, creating a positive and negative, which is which however is up to the viewer. 


Rosie’s process based drawing technique sprang from her interest in why children and indeed adults draw, doodle or mark make.  She credits Serge Tisseron’s paper All Writing Is Drawing: The Spatial Development of the Manuscript, for the development of her work.  For Rosie expanding the time it takes for the artist or owner of the drawing to see the results removes subjectivity and gives the drawing a new more objective identity. 



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